What are the Different Types of Building Foundations and Footings?

What Are The Different Types of Footings and Foundations_

The different types of building foundations and footing are slab on ground, suspended floors, strip footings, pad footings, stumps, and piles and piers. Each type is designed to suit various soil conditions and building needs. For example, a slab on ground is great for stable soils, while piles and piers are perfect for areas where the soil isn’t as reliable.

At Shepparton Restumping, we provide the best restumping Shepparton residents love. We’re here to help ensure your home has a strong foundation.

In this post, we’ll discuss the types of building foundations and footing in detail.

Types of Building Footings

The following are the types of building footings to consider:

Slab on Ground

A slab on ground is essentially a thick, flat concrete plate that forms the base of a building, placed directly on the ground. It’s ideal for stable soils and doubles as the floor of the building, making it a cost-effective and straightforward foundation choice for many homes.

Suspended Floors

Suspended floors are elevated above the ground, creating a gap that helps protect the building from moisture and improve airflow beneath. This type of flooring is especially useful on sloping blocks or in areas where a ground-level floor would be impractical due to damp conditions.

Strip Footings

Strip footings are continuous bands of concrete laid under a building’s load-bearing walls. They help spread the building’s weight evenly and provide a stable base, particularly in soils with a good load-bearing capacity.

Pad Footings

Pad footings are thick, square or rectangular concrete blocks that support specific points of heavy load such as columns. They are a key part of the structure’s foundation, ensuring it remains stable by supporting concentrated weights at various points.

The Different Types of Footings and Foundations


Stumps are vertical supports that lift a building off the ground, commonly used in flood-prone areas or where termites are a concern. They’re central to restumping and reblocking, which involves replacing old, failing stumps.

Piles and Piers

Piles and piers are used to anchor buildings securely in places where the surface soil isn’t strong or stable enough. By reaching down to more stable layers underground, they provide a solid base for the structure. Piles are driven deep into the ground, while piers are created by drilling deep holes that are then filled with concrete.

Ever wondered why do house stumps fail? It’s often due to environmental factors like rot or erosion that undermine their strength. Read our blog for more details.